ATMAN - Sanskrit: “self,” “breath”

Ātman is a Sanskrit word for the true or eternal self or the self-existent essence of each individual, which persists across multiple bodies  and lifetimes. The 'Self' is the witness, or observer, of an individual's actions and deeds, or karma. 

One of the core values of Kana Creations is to help people heal and to give back to society and nature. In that endeavour, we have created a space for people to connect with 'Self'. 

Atman is at one with the Divine, Brahman, and the Absolute. Atman is immortal and transcends time and space. Atman is divine consciousness. So if you are looking for space to sit in peace and want to connect to yourself, then "Atman is your sacred place."

It is open to all practitioners and teachers who are helping people connect to themselves.

  1. Meditation Classes
  2. Shamanic Healing Classes,
  3. Chakra Healing
  4. Reiki Teachers,
  5. Pranic Healing Teachers,
  6. Crystal Healing,
  7. Quantum Healing

Atman is your place to restore your inner peace. It is a place to create collective consciousness with your community and help heal the world. The aura of Atman gives pure love, only expanding to infinity. It is an initiative to enable each and every soul under the sky. So we are inviting all the teachers to use ATMAN for taking classes, building community, and creating collective consciousness.

Course of Miracle says. “Everything you teach you are learning. Teach only love, and learn that love is yours and you are love.”



To give you easy, personalised, and empathetic experience

  • Sacred space curated to give a peaceful and tranquil experience.
  • Adorned with 'Angel Wings' to give spiritual connection and protection.
  • Carpeted floor, to match the aura.
  • Air conditioned room for you to experience Spiritual Warmth.
  • 7 Good quality floor cushions . Size - 50 cm x 50 cm. ​
  • Seasonal flowers - Fragrant and farm fresh.
  • Plants to help you feel centered and grounded.
  • Tea, coffee, and water will keep you nourished and heighten your awareness.
  • Bathroom to freshen up before starting the spiritual journey!
  • Stationary - notebooks and pens to write down your thoughts and ideas.
  • Face mask for yours and others safety.
  • Bluetooth speaker to play meditations and music to connect with souls.
  • Although parking outside ATMAN is available, we suggest you take the environmentally friendly route of consciously doing car pooling.

Is there anything else that you would need help with? Feel free to reach out to us on contact us  or call / whatsapp on 9910088965 / 9810036064